Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Can it get any better?

I have found a few moments by myself. My husband, Mr. Spectacular, is off purchasing a Homecoming Dress with our daughter. I chose to stay behind to give them a chance to have some alone time together. That and I had NO desire to go on this particular shopping mission. Having seized some alone time for myself, I decided to reminisce about the day my husband arrived home on R&R.

I woke bright and early on the morning of the 29th of September. I was up and ready long before the sun. This first order of business was to call staff duty at 0535. They advised the plane had landed safely in Frankfurt, Germany and the transport bus was on its way. The estimated time of arrival: 0600.

I arrived at battalion headquarters at approximately 0545 and patiently waited for the bus. It finally showed up at 0610. Usually, I can't spot my husband in a crowd of soldiers because they all look alike, but on this particular morning, I spotted him. I eagerly waited for him to sign some paperwork and collect his bag from the cargo hold of the bus. The four or five minutes I stood there waiting seemed like forever. I just wanted to run to him and squeeze him with kisses. But, I had to maintain control and wait.

Let me just say, the wait was worth it. YIPPIE!!

So, later that morning, we drove up to Wurzburg and visited with the BMW folks. After a test drive and a few decisions regarding options, we bought a MINI Cooper S for me! Right now the order is for a red MINI with white roof, mirrors and bonnet racing stripes. The decision on the color is bothering my husband. He has asked several times since the 29th if I am sure I really want the red. Wouldn't I be happier with the green? I have suggested that the color of the car isn't a deal breaker and that if he really wants to change the color, we certainly can do that. However, I reminded him, Kansas City Chiefs door panel logos wouldn't look as good on a green car. He agreed.

You would think that getting my husband home after EIGHT VERY LONG AND LONELY months plus buying my favorite car would be enough. I thought the day was moving along quite nicely. Ah ha, but wait, there's more.

During a check of my email, I opened a message containg the best news. True Story magazine wants to purchase and publish one of my stories!!! I let out a whoop of joy that lasted a whole 10 minutes. I have been trying for over two years to get something published. I have kept all of the rejection letters I have received during that time in a notebook. That notebook is bulging. Naturally, I printed out the most wonderful email for framing along with a copy of the soon to be arriving check they are sending. Notice I said copy of the check. You're damn right I'm spending it. I earned it.

The only way to top the day would be if the Publisher Clearing House folks rang my doorbell and gave me a million dollars. Since I seriously doubt they would travel all the way to Germany to give me a million dollars, especially since I haven't filled out the entry form. So the million dollars; that's NOT going to happen.

It's all good, though. I don't need it. I'm happy enough right now.


Anonymous said...

Who reads True Story?

Kelly Hanson said...

Dear Anonymous,
It doesn't really how many readers True Story has. All that matters is that there are enough readers out there who actually know what the magazine provides and that the editors of the magazine liked my story enough to purchase it. Perhaps you should pick up a copy and futher expand your horizons.