Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A Cornucopia of Thoughts

On my way home from the gym, I thought about posting comments about GYM JERKS. Then, I turned on the television and was sucked into the remade movie of Brian's Song. That spun up all kinds of thoughts I was compelled to post. As I sat down at the computer, I opened my email and discovered I was accepted to allow advertisements to be displayed on my blog.

Yep, I sold out for cash. Hopefully, you will notice an advertisement at the bottom of the page. Each time you clic on it, you help support this page. As the current readers of this page, I strongly encourage you to help a girl out and clic away.

Anyway, back to the gym jerk. So there I was, using the giant exercise ball and a foot rack to do multiple sets of sit-ups. In between sets, I walked about 5 yards away to the hanging station to do the abdominal leg lifts. Keep in mind, my water bottle, towel and workout gloves remained next to the giant exercise ball. Wouldn't you know, some jerk and his workout partner plopped themselves right down on the mat and kicked my exercise ball away. Completely ignoring my "saved" space. Come on, people. My water bottle and sweat towel are clearly reserving that space. So, I kindly asked if I could trade them spaces. I didn't think this was too much to ask because there was a second mat for them to sit on and do there doubles sit-ups. That led to a big discussion about how the particular mat my giant exercise ball had been on is thicker than the other mat and his tailbone rubs the ground the wrong way. What? I only had 20 more sit-ups to do. I spent more time convincing them to move than it would have taken me to do the damn sit-ups in the first place. Then, the gym jerk commented that I was spending too much time talking to folks in the gym rather than working out. How dare he?!? Just for your information, I was discussing the finer points of alternative lunges with another woman. We certainly weren't exchanging recipes or stain removal techniques. Obviously he doesn't read Women's Health magazine. It matter-of-factly states that women prefer socialized exercise. Yes, I do enjoy talking while at the gym, but I'm not there for social hour. For goodness sakes. Would discussing lunges techniques with a personal trainer or even the gym jerk himself cramp his style enough to kick my giant exercise ball off the mat? Reviewing gym etiquette might do him some good.

Now for Brian's Song. I remember watching the original version way back when I was in elementary school. It was just too sad and I had to cry, and cry, and cry. Personally, it was much too emotional for elementary school children. Since that painfully sad day I have never watched the film in its entirety. If I happened to stumble upon it as I flip through the channels, I quickly passed it by. It's simply too, too sad.

The remake with the fellow from ER is just as sad. Big crocodile tears streamed down my face and I asked myself, "Why am I watching this?" I knew it would make me cry and yet there I was trapped and suffering through it. In the final few minutes of the film, Brian tells his wife he loves her. He cries as he says it over and over and over. Watching it through the tears, I wanted to tell my husband that I love him. But, I can't, at least not tonight. He's in Iraq.

While he was home on R&R, I made sure to tell him I love him about a million times a day. It's important for me to tell him and it's important for him to hear it. There is no way he can even suspect that he's not the most loved man on the planet. On the occassions when he is able to call, it's the first thing I say to him. I want to make sure he hears it before the phone cuts out. I also write it in every email and letter I send to him. I even write it all over the outside of any care package I send to him.

The best advice I can give is to live your life as if each day were your last and let those you love know it.

Big hugs to all,


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