Friday, April 15, 2011

Fun on Repel

Wednesday morning, my husband informed me that the cadets would be at the rappel tower and I was welcome to join them.

Of course! It is super fun!

The last time I went off the rappel tower I played it safe. Two times off the 50 foot side, regular style. The skid, simulated helicopter skid, has no wall. Just a free fall. I wasn't confident enough to try that.
Not this time. My first repel was off the skid at 50 feet. Phew! It was a wee bit unnerving, but I did it. Yeah for me!

My second rappel off was the regular 50 foot side. No worries, no problems, simple fun. The cadre was having none of it. The easy way earns zero bonus points with them. So, up the tower I went.

This time, Spider-Man. Yep, upside down, face first. Brake hand straight out in front the following rope wrapped around my leg. Initially, I was hesitant to ease off and let the rope  slide through my brake hand. Then, I settled in and went for  it. I did it. It wasn't pretty and I didn't earn any points for finess. What I lack in talent, I make up in enthusiasm. Yeah for me!

Apparently, there is video of the experience. Not sure where it is. I'll have to check YouTube. Maybe it'll show up there.