Sunday, January 06, 2008

Stitches Are Out

I had the sutures removed and I returned the ice water pump. I still have wound dressing and ace bandages under my brace, which I must wear for the next 5 weeks. Yuck.
The best part about this whole thing has been the parking.

Under the brace, the ice water pump, ace bandage wrap, and sterile dressing is this mess.

The incision is where the surgeon removed my tendons from my hamstrings. That is what hurts the most; the graph. My knee feels fine. My leg is killing me.

This is Henry, the luckiest cat of all time. He needed to come visit me in the bed.

Narcotics Continue

Here I am in bed. I've spent a tremendous amount of time there. Notice the crutches. Those things are a HUGE pain in the butt. The only upside to having to use them is the fabulous abdominal workout that is required to operate them.
I would also like to point out my super cute nightshirt. My kid, the redhead, gave it to me for Christmas. Thanks Jordan...You're A-okay, my buddy.

The Surgery Is Over, Let the Healing Begin

I am eager to get going at this point. The sooner my knee is rebuilt, the sooner I can get back to my active lifestyle.

Life is still good. My IVs have not yet been put into place. The first attempt was extremely unsuccessful. No, I take that back. It was a PERFECT example of what NOT to do. The nurse pushed the needle straight on through the vein. The back of my hand began to swell and I could clearly see that something was definitely wrong. Shoot. Ray Charles could have seen that something was wrong. So, a second nurse came in and put an IV in my other hand. Very successful. Goodie. However, the just prior to the inserting of the lead line, blood spurted out all over the floor. Lucky for me, I didn't actually see the fountain. I saw the puddle after the fact.

Here I am immediately after surgery. I am feeling no pain. Don't I look good?

Kelly.....wake up....
Huh? Wha?

Back home. I don't even remember having this picture taken. I'm still looking good, though. is to laugh.