Monday, October 11, 2004

Using my free time

Having my super spectacular husband home for the last two weeks has been simply wonderful. He has taken so much pressure off of me that it's hard to believe that I was as stressed as I was. Having to parent every day, all day is extremely exhausting. Having a partner to deal with some of the challenges of teenagers is a God send. To put it mildly, it really does take two parents to rear children.

Granted, my children aren't running around smoking pot, injecting heroin, breaking into people's homes and stealing cars. But, they are a handful none-the-less. The ability of teenagers to be completely selfish is so understated in all the child development books. I truly wish that when they marry and have children of their own, they have children just like they are. That way, my fabulous husband and I can sit back and laugh at their misery.

Have I mentioned how wonderful my husband is? Well, Mr. Wonderful is out and about with our two children today. They are having some much needed alone time together. Just father and offspring. This opportunity allows the children to enjoy the time with their father and it gives him an opportunity to instill some of the same messages that I have been diligently trying to engrain into their heads. Perhaps if both parents say the same thing, they will grasp that we aren't just making stuff up as we go along. This outing also provides me with some alone time. Naturally, I have used it to post on the blog and to play computer games. What I really should be doing is creating.

Just the other day, I received in the mail, my assignment #1 back. I have to use the character I developed in #1 to draft a 750-1000 word fictional tale. Late at night, when I'm trying to fall asleep seems to be the most opportune time for my brain to kick into overdrive and full steam ahead with plot development. That and a little help from some ideas I found in a book called The Writer's Block. There are some great ideas in that book. I have not yet started the project, but I have thought about it. I have a good start forming in my head. It'll be enough to give life to the blank piece of paper. I just hope that the story can tell itself within the word limit.

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