Saturday, October 23, 2004

More is More

Back in January 2001, I started monitoring my weight and body fat. At 130 pounds and 18% body fat, I thought I looked pretty good. I worked-out on a regular basis with my husband and I was comfortable in a swimming suit. I even actively participated in water aerobics and got a job as a lifeguard. Unfortunately, all that was to change.

When we moved to Germany, the swimming and water aerobics ended. The military post in Heidelberg does not have a pool. The closest thing to a pool in the German community is a water park of sorts. It's possible to play in a wave pool or water jog in a whirlpool. Swimming laps while dodging splashing children is impossible. So, to compensate, I spent more time in the gym and increased my cardio work-out. I maintained my appearance fairly well, but noticed the numbers on the scale begin to rise.

Shortly after moving to Schweinfurt in July 2003, I was still comfortable enough with my appearance that I did something I never would have done had I felt on the larger side. I posed for very tasteful artsy type photographs. I can't say I was please with the results. Some photos were better than others and some where just yuck. However, my husband liked them and that's all that mattered.

But, that body disappeared. In January 2004, I started a notebook to record my weight and body fat. My initial measurement was 135.5 pounds and 23.2% body fat. Yikes! What happened to the slim trim swimmer of 18% body fat? Each month, I record another measurement. For the most part, there was little fluctuation in weight and body fat.

In late January, I had surgery and had my ovaries removed. It's amazing what happens to the female body when there no more estrogen is being produced. The hot flashes were terrible. My children complained the house was too cold and begged me to close the windows. I have to admit, it was cold for normal people. So I only kept the windows in my bedroom open. My room became the frozen tundra and you could see your breath. Yet, I only wore shorts and t-shirts and still was a hot sweaty mess. The first few months after surgery, I had to change my sheets at least twice a week because of the night sweats. Sleep was difficult as I frequently woke up because of the sweat dribbling down my face and neck. In a word, YUCK. Luckily, my husband didn't have to experience the initial stages of forced menopause as he was in Iraq dealing with his own issues.

By April, I began to notice that my pants didn't quite fit properly. I was perplexed as I had been working out and eating in typical fashion. Nothing wanting to obsess over it, I kept on doing my normal thing until summer.

Summer vacation plus a week in Greece and a week in London equals extra pounds. Vacation pounds usually melt away quickly after returning to the daily grind. But, in my case, this didn't happen. Those pounds stayed and multiplied.

By September 27, I weighed 144 pounds and was over 24% body fat. Thoroughly disgusted with myself, I hit the gym. My husband had returned home on R&R and we spent most of the time in the gym. He pushed me to lift more weight and more reps. Okay, I agreed to do whatever necessary to get ride of the post surgery/no estrogen/vacation pounds. He advised me to eat a small meal every three hours and eat more protein. Okay, I complied.

During the two weeks he was home, I lost one pound. Yep, only 1 pound. Once he left to return to Iraq, I kept up the work-out schedule and even started running more. I ended up losing three additional pounds rather quickly. I was pleased with my progress.

Where do I find myself today?

More. That's where. I work-out more. I lift more weight. I complete more reps. I do more lunges than I ever imagined I would. I do more versions of lunges, which cause much more pain. My body hurts more. I eat more frequently. No more three meals a day. I have 6 snack size meals a day. One of those is a smoothy that contains more protein than a turkey sandwhich. All of this and I have gained a pound. I now weigh 141 pounds. Okay, you would think this isn't so bad because it should be muscle weight. Alas, not for me. All this more has added up to MORE body fat. As of this morning I am 25.5% body fat. On my hips, butt, thighs, and upper arms I am carrying around 36 pounds of pure fat! Is is possible to be more discouraged than I am now? I think not.


Anonymous said...

Oh my darling, I am sorry that your weight is consuming your blog and daily worries. It will get me. Remember, a pound a week is healthy and manageable and you'll hit your goal before I come home. Keep up the good work! I am proud of you and I adore you. You are my saving grace and I LOVE YOU :)

Kelly Hanson said...

I am the luckiest woman in the world to have an amazing man love me as much as he does. My husband is the light of my life.