Monday, September 13, 2004

These Damn Pants Won't Fit

So, the struggle continues as the pile of the too small clothes grows. It's beginning to be quite bothersome. This pile has forced me to get back to the gym. As everyone knows misery loves company, I prefer going with a friend. My friend, Samantha, is my morning work-out partner. Last week, she forced me to do butt blaster and lunges. Naturally, by the next morning, I couldn't walk. It's been five days and my behind is still a tad on the tender side. Tomorrow is another day for the posterior. This whole work-out thing really bites.

My other work-out partner, Amber, is settling into her new job (1st grade teacher) and is post-poning the visits to the gym. I have no problem with that because the longer she takes to get motivated the longer I can dely the days of the double work-out. Amber prefers gym time in the evening.

I figure between both of them, I'll spend the majority of my day as a sweaty mess in gym clothes. It simply must be done. I can't stand the notion of not being able to wear all those cute clothes that I worked so hard to get in.

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