Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Finding my inner peace

Some days there is just too much stress and anxiety to deal with. I have reached a point where I can't calm down. I have racing thoughts, obsessive thoughts, and uncontrollable energy. One would think it's a good thing to have too much energy. I've actually been told "Man, I wish I had your energy." Be careful what you wish for.

I have experienced a tremendous amount in my time, and not all of it good. There is more than one chapter in the story of my life that is brutal and horrific. I have survived and am a stronger person for having done so. I think what helped me get through some of the tougher times was a grasp on my inner silence. Over time, that silence has dissipated somewhat and I am now searching for it again.

Frankly, my husband, the most wonderful man in the world, has been a strong source of quiet. He gives me the ability to fight the dragons that plague daily life. I can purge all the noise and be "home free" for a while before having to battle again. Now that he is gone fighting his own very real battles in Iraq, I don't have that support system.

So I use a technique for easing obsessive thoughts. I write them down and file them away. It does work. Trust me. I know. That's what this blog has become for me. An endless file cabinet for the noise in my head.

Once my thoughts are written down, I have some silence. It's a wonderful thing. The quiet is precious and I don't get enough of it. The children will be home from school soon and with them comes the noise. I need to find a way to withdraw in the chaos of a housefull of dogs and children and keep a block of peace for myself.
I'm open for suggestions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the techniques that I have found to be very effective is to take deep breathes alot through out the day. I know it sounds funny but it works. I take a deep breathe about every 2 to 5 minutes. Everyone around me always asks what's wrong when I do it. Nothing is wrong, it just helps me relax and to releive any stress that I have. I took a nutruition class, which was very specific about stress ruining the body and mind, and it informed me that deep breathing was a technique for relieving stress. IT REALLY WORKS. Hope this helps.
Your favorite friend across the big lake (guess who)