Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Want to Know How Stupid You Are? Ask a Teenager.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are lacking information, as a teenager. They know everything about everything. It's a wonder that a teenager isn't the President of the United States. It's a wonder a teenager isn't the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court especially since they know everything about fairness and justice. It's a wonder that the principal of every school isn't a teenager. Afterall, who knows better how to mold and guide children that a teenager?

Did you know that a teenager knows everything about operating a motor vehicle even though they don't have a driver's license? Yep, they sure do. And the younger the teenager, the more they know on the subject.

It is simply amazing. I really didn't need to complete high school or complete a college education. All I had to do to ensure my survival in our society was to have children. I just can't imagine how I managed all those years without a teenager in my life to tell me everything I ever need to know.

They know how to speak foreign languages.

They know where everything is in every foreign city and know the best way to travel to any desired location. Sometimes, just for fun, a teenager will read a map and navigate the longest possible route to a destination simply because that's the best way to go.

They know every ingredient in every meal prepared in every restaurant. They especially know the taste and texture of every food ever prepared in any way.

Teenagers also have magical powers. Did you know that they can simply generate money whenever they desire? Heaven knows why adults go to work. Naturally because money just appears at a whim, teenagers don't need a job.

All basic luxuries afforded in a household are provided because going without would generate an annoying situation. All vehicles always have a full tank of gasoline. All refrigerators are always stocked with only the most delicious foods that do not require any preparation. All cookie jars are always full with only the most favorite of all cookies even though the favorite changes practically on a daily basis. All electronic devices always work and there is always electricity. The caveat to that is the electric company has no need to receive payment for providing that electricity. That is just something they do simply because teenagers must have electricity. All trash cans magically empty. All cars are always clean. All toilet bowls are always sparkling clean. All floors are always free of dust bunnies and rugs never need to be vacuumed. It's a wonder how Hoover stays in business.

Best of all....When teenagers have their own children, they will never be required to do any chores around the house. They will always be treated fairly and get to do what they want.

Gee, I never knew I was such an oppressive slave-driver with the IQ of a gnat. Thank goodness I have TWO teenagers to help me get through my day. I couldn't possibly manage without them.


Anonymous said...

It's "Want to know...not What to..." Spell check more carefully future literary giant :)

Kelly Hanson said...

Good call. However, spell check didn't catch it because what was spelled correctly. You are either an editor or a teenager. Eiter way, thanks for the tip.