Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Bad Boy Babies and Playground Squabbles

I heard about another sports brawl instigated by a fan and finished by everyone else. Bench-clearing battles are in my opinion ridiculous. And this guy seems to agree. Seriously, if you make a billion dollars playing a game, then buck up and accept that some folks are going to call you names and call your abilities into question. I'll trade places, or moreover, my bank account, with a pro-athlete anytime. I'd even wear a sign on my back saying "I suck" and "I can't score on the court of off" as long as my boss continues to sign that paycheck. When it's no big deal to be fined $50,000 or even $100,000, then YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY. Get over yourself.

And then, the special guest commentator played the race card. Oh, come on. Apparently black athletes feel oppressed that whitey is kept entertained like an emperor watching Christians meet a bloody death at the claws and fangs of starving lions. That's crap. How about Joe Schmoe spending a good chunk of his weekly take-home salary to watch multi-millionaires play a game and earn more money in an hour than Joe earns in a couple of months. If an athlete can't handle being called a looser or having someone shout out that their Granny plays better with one hand tied behind her back, then get off the damn court and get a real job. How about laying asphalt, or sorting tomatoes, or changing diapers, or spreading roof tar, or separating inmates trying to kill one another? Prison guards, okay Correction Officers have human feces and urine tossed at them (far more foul and insulting than a plastic cup or even a folding chair). They are called all kinds of vicious names and have their families threatened every day. And their reward for getting up and going to work, an annual salary less than what P. Diddy spends on a two-hour bar tab.

Let's just get real and put things into perspective.

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