Monday, November 15, 2004

Ridgid Rules

Well, I decided I would go ahead and own up to the whole flashing incident. As I have a guilty conscious, I needed to get the infraction out in the open. Let me tell you, the news wasn't good. I'm going to face some serious consequenses.

Running a red light is a serious violation of German traffic law. The amount of the fine depends on how long the light was red when the white line was crossed. If the light was red for less than one second, the fine is 40 euros. That's about $48. If the light was red for longer than one second, the fine increases dramatically up to 140 euros. About $190. But wait, there's more. Running a red light is an automatic liscense supsension of 30 days. Can you believe that? Although not swift, the consequences are severe.

The German liaison for the Provost Marshal's Office kidded me for violating German law. He said the severity of the infraction is payback for having invaided their country. Crazy Germans. I love them, but man, are they ever regimented and structured. He said the excuses for violations are never-ending. To my credit, I completely admitted to running the red light. I didn't even attempt to make an excuse. Besides, excuses have zero effect on the regulations. There is still a fine and a license suspension regardless of why the infraction occurred. Basically, you're screwed.

Depending on how long it takes for the German authorities to serve me with notice of the violation, the consequences could take a few months before realized. As I do work at the Provost Marshal's Office, my service won't take as long as other violators. They know me. In a nutshell, I'm screwed.

Now, if you're thinking I could simply continue to drive during that 30 days while my license is suspended, forget it. No way, no how. I would surely get caught. Of that, I have no doubt. Besides, my guilty conscious would never allow me to do it. I would be sick to my stomach the entire time. And with my luck, I'd get caught. The consequence for driving on a suspended license in Germany is license suspended for five years. Heaven knows what would happen if caught driving on a five year suspended license. Probably incarceration for 6 months, maybe flogging, maybe worse.

I've never had my license suspended. This will be a new experience. Life is such an adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, drop you pants and take your punishmnet. You need to be set straight with a good, hard spanking! Or whatever else comes to mind :)