Sunday, December 19, 2010

And What's New With Me?

Let me back up a bit.
Back in October, my brother finally got married. As he and his now wife live the life of excitement, their marriage started off with a bang with a wedding cruise to the Cayman Islands and to Cozumel.

The wedding was a beautiful ceremony on a deck overlooking the sea. Very nice, intimate and casual. They were surrounded by friends and family. She, naturally, is a delight and makes a fabulous addition to our  family. Plus, she makes my brother very happy.

As they were doing their newlywed thing, my amazing husband and I did our thing. Not passing on a Kodak moment, I made my ever-patient husband be in many photographs. Of course, we had to have one overlooking the sea where my brother was married. I didn't notice until later that one of my earring had magically disappeared. I looked silly wearing only one earring, so we had to take more pictures. The retakes weren't nearly as flattering as the originals, but what are you gonna do?

After the wedding, we had a bit of free time, so we wandered around town, checking out shops and a few typical tourist spots. My husband, who in the past has been forced onto big boulders, a mechanical bull, statues at zoos and even onto a display in Las Vegas, accepted his inevitible fate of having to pose next to a giant Jabber Jaw goofy cartoon shark.

Prior to the wedding outing, the cruise had a formal dinner night. I had this great dress and I loved how it made me feel like the center of attention. Then, my mother suggested that I looked like a hussy. Humph. She might have been right. No wonder folks were looking at me.  What really matters is that I had a good time and my husband likes it when I'm a little bit trashy.

When we stopped in Cozumel, I had planned an excursion with Jungle Buggies. That was super fun even though it was pouring rain. The guide described our buggies as Mexican "Lambor-genies." And yes, that's how he said it.

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