Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Break a leg

My actor bio went something like...recently discovered for her effervescent enthusiasm as a murder mystery theater audience member and makes her theatrical debut with the Leavenworth Players Group in Murder at Paddy Kelly's Irish tavern or a St. Patrick's Day to Die For. The well-traveled, published author thanks her husband for his undying support in her eclectic endeavors.

Opening night went extremely well. I made two mistakes. The first one was in the end of the third section. I stepped on a laugh line. The second mistake was at the very end. I totally dropped a line, but I don't think anyone even noticed....except for other cast members.

I was supposed to serve for Table 10. I had expected 8 people. When I showed up for the call time, I discovered that my 8-top was down to a 7-top. When guests began to arrive, the number 7 guy wanted to sit with his friends at another table. So, my 7-top was now down to 6. By the opening act, two of my patrons had not arrived. So, I ended up with a 4-top. That was very disappointing. It also meant that my tip potential was, in a word.......pitiful. Lucky for me, one couple seated in my section was my personal guest and they tipped me well. Had it not been for them, I would have ended up being able to afford only two chicken soft tacos and a medium drink from Taco Bell. Even then, I wouldn't end up with any change.

There are two more shows. One is on March 16th and the last one on March 19th. Hopefully, I'll have more folks to serve. More folks = more alcoholic beverages = higher tab = more tips.


Anonymous said...

Good design!
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Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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Anonymous said...

Great work!
http://bstozvow.com/lpbq/viju.html | http://ptagbgju.com/evgo/nwgj.html