Sunday, February 12, 2006

Today, I am a professional

This past Friday evening, my husband and I enjoyed a murder mystery dinner theater. Being that this is the month of hearts and flowers and love, The Saint Valentines Day Murder Mystery or Rubout at Uncle Vinny's seemed appropriate. We had a delightful time.

My husband fell in love with me years ago when I took him to see the stage performance of The Phantom of the Opera. Turns out, live entertainment has become something of a specialty for us. We have enjoyed plays, musicals, comedy clubs and now we've added dinner theater to our adventures. Each time we attend a performance, I say to myself that acting looks fun. It certainly doesn't appear to be difficult, at least not the acting part. The singing and dancing...well, that's an entirely different matter. Heaven knows, I certainly don't have the pipes for opera.

Anyway...I digress. During the performance, I made a personal decision. After the show, I would contact the troop and ask how one becomes involved in a production such as this. Turns out, I didn't have to do that. In fact, I had already been "discovered." The director/producer of the show noticed me during dinner and took note of how well I interacted with the characters. He invited me to sit with him after all the guests left and discuss the technical aspects of dinner theater.

Not only was I immediately cast in the next production without a formalized audition, but I was also cast as the lead. Yeppers. I'm the "Go To". The "It" girl for the March performance. The first show is scheduled for March 11th at the The Highnoon Saloon in downtown Leavenworth, Kansas. Feel free to come and enjoy a meal with a side of murder. Oh yeah...I'm the one getting murdered.

It's all good though. I play two parts: the victim and the investigator. Yeppers, I get to solve my own murder. How cool is that?!

The best part about all of this is that I am now considered a PROFESSIONAL actor. It's true. I'm getting paid.

I am so excited about all of this. Acting in a play has always been one of those things that I've wanted to do. Life is a wonderful thing. The older I get, the more I enjoy it.


Kelly Hanson said...

Scully, A movie star's income would be nice.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY....ALL of that Drama Queen experiance has paid off. It was not in vain