Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Turns out, Nacy's Grade Was Better

After continued inquiries into the scores of the tossed exam, I discovered that Nancy had done better than I. She earned herself a 72%.

The next exam on the heart was much better. I earned myself a 98%. Much more appropriate and reflective of my awesome study skills. It's true, I am a super study nerd.

The results of the micro test weren't as good as I had thought. I thought I had done better than a 92%, but I'll take the A, no matter.

Today is my anatomy exam on circulatory, lymph and respiration systems. I'm feeling confident about the material. Hopefully, he doesn't bring in some question from way out in left field.

There isn't much time left in the semester. Frankly, the only class that I'm ready to be finished with it physiology. I could study anatomy every day. I like it. Micro just grosses me out. I've learned too much about nasty communicable diseases. Thank God I have a functional immune system. Even then, there are some virulent creepy crawlies out there that can still do some major damage even with a high speed immune system. And to think.....people continue to practice poor hygiene. Yikes.

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