Holy Smokes! May is merely hours from being over. Time has just been zipping by! Yikes! When I was a little girl, I would wish to be older. My mother always told me not to wish my life away because it was something you could never get back. She sure was smart. Now, I wish to have a few more hours each day. There are about a million things I could accomplish with a few more hours.
Our foreign exchange student leave in a couple of days. Before heading back to Germany, she will visit some of her German relatives before returning to her parents. She's been here 10 months. Her parents will be amazed at how much she has grown up in 10 months. She is more outgoing and more willing to talk to strangers than she was when she first arrived. I have a feeling she'll be back in the United States, especially, Las Vegas. That town is her favorite place of all the cities she has visited.
My other kid, Jordan, had surgery this morning. Last week, she had a sore throat. It wasn't any better the following day. So, an appointment was made and the doc at the clinic immediately referred her to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I took her to see him the following morning. As soon as she opened her mouth, the Doctor said, "Oh, yes..Those must come out."
That was it. Exam over. Surgery appointment book was opened. Her tonsils were obnoxiously inflamed with one having a gruesome abscess growing on it. Bleck. The surgery went well and she is still sleeping. Good for her. I, naturally, took photos.
Although she hated her pre-op outfit, I took photographic evidence. See...
We had to wait nearly an hour in the pre-op room. Apparently, the tonsilectomy right before her had an emergency in recovery. It was a little kid. I heard him screaming in the family lounge. I felt bad for him and his whole family, grandparents included, who were also waiting in the family lounge.
Eventually, she was given her warm blanket and drowsy medication and wheeled off to surgery.
All ended up A-okay. Here she is in recovery.
As for me...I am as busy as always. Between taking and giving horseback riding lessons, I write for a local magazine. My latest article got a green light from my editor. She made very minor edits. Yippie. Filming for my movie starts next week. I'm not the lead role, but a very close supporting actor, in a local production of a murder mystery psychological thriller. The Movie Channel on cable has agreed to purchase upon completion. That means I'll get some money out of the deal. Not alot, naturally. The contract is for a percentage. As long as it stays a minor production, the percentage will be very low. BUT, if it becomes a cult classic....then gross sales increase and my percentage yields more cash. I have also been chosen as a student for a class of 15 for a novel writing course. The last course I took resulted in publication and a position as a contributing writer for the magazine. I'm very excited about it. I already have a terrific idea (in my opinion) and have written several pages. Hopefully, with an instructor and frequent deadlines, I can get this novel completed. PLUS, I'm returning to school this summer. Classes start next week. I'm taking Child Development. This fall, microbiology and human physiology. Then in January, apply to nursing school.
Yep, it's a full calendar. What's really cool, it that I'll be taking college courses with my kid. Jordan is dual enrolled in High School and community college. With her AP classes and college courses, by the time she graduates from High school, she'll be a sophomore in college. Now, we just have to figure out where she'll be going.
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