Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas Dinner

Normally, I opt to make reservations for dinner. When I do decide to cook, my family makes a big production out of it. My husband tells folks that I cook about once a quarter. For the most part he's correct.

With the exception of this past Thanksgiving, I can't even remember the last time I cooked a holiday meal. I am the poster child for the holiday buffet. Having cooked for Thanksgiving, I was justified in my rebellion against cooking Christmas Dinner.

I simply had to locate a holiday buffet. Turns out, folks around here don't "do" holiday buffets. I called just about every restaurant in the greater Leavenworth/Nothern Kansas City area. I also called many hotels as they are usually good for a buffet. Alas, my efforts were in vain. Every place I called was closed. Can you believe that? Closed! What are Jewish folks, Muslims, and Buddists supposed to do? Are they expected to stay home and make a tuna sandwich?

As luck would have it. I was able to locate two eating establishments who were willing to eschew the boycott of holiday foods; Sonic and the Isle of Capri Casino Calypso Buffet. Not much of a selection, but it did mean I didn't have to cook.

Apparently the Patron Saint of Holiday Meals became aware of the not quite conventional dinner plans to celebrate the birth of Jesus and whispered to my sister. She got the hint and called to invite us to her house to enjoy her home-cooked holiday feast. Yeah!

Not only were there lots of yummy mashed potatoes, there were super yummy cheese balls and a delicious apple pie. The four hour drive to Oklahoma (actually, an oversight in directions added two extra hours to the trip, but that's a whole other story) was worth it. I didn't have to cook and because my brother-in-law excels in cleaning up, I didn't even have to do dishes.


Chevy Rose said...

We had simular situation on Thanksgiving. All the younger guys went to deer leases on Wednesday night, so we jumped in car Thanksgiving day to have turkey dinner out with the "abandoned" wives. Every place was at least a hour wait, (not good with old,old man and 5 yr boy along.) so we opted for Denny's. Turkey was ok, but dressing was runny. Pecan pie was great.
I love eating out, but have only certain resturants I like. Denny's isn't one of them, which probably explains no waiting.
Happy New Year, by the way, and God bless America.

Anonymous said...

You should have done what I did and order the whole meal from the Honey Baked ham web site! It was very delicious much better than me or any one else in my family could have made.