Friday, November 18, 2005

What are YOU making for dinner?

As the traditional day of eating way too much is rapidly approaching, I am beginning to panic. I haven't made a Thanksgiving dinner since 1996. The minor meal in 2004 doesn't really count because a tiny breast and a baked potato is not a "Thanksgiving Dinner." {Scully--I guess the Canadian pilgrims didn't need any extra help from the Indians to survive the winter months. Seeing how Canada doesn't do Thanksgiving, I suppose the Canadian pilgrims were better at hunting beaver than the American pilgrims.) Usually, I stick to the philosophy that I make only one thing for dinner--Reservations. In the past, I either traveled to my sister's home for Thanksgiving or attended the Holiday Buffet at the local hotel and/or cafeteria.

My older sister has been preparing the traditional meal for many, may years: pretty much ever since Mom decided we would have hotdogs. My sister was having none of the Weenie Roast and skipped off to the grocery store for a turkey. The result of mom's decision: my sister cooks.

This year, my sister, her family and my mother are coming to my house for Thanksgiving. I suppose they are all curious about what I'm going to serve. I suspect they are taking bets on what I shall present to them. It's no secret that I make pretty food. I'm best at Frankenstein Cups and Witch's Bubbling Brew, eyeballs and brain jello, vertebrae roll-ups and finger sandwiches. Yep, Halloween type foods, not typical, autumn, family gathering foods.

I suppose I can heat up a can of corn and open a can of cranberry sauce. Even so, my family is bringing food to my house. My brother-in-law is bringing bread and my niece is bringing the pie. I wonder, does apple pie go with burritos? I make a mean burrito. I can also make the Juevos Rancheros. But that doesn't quite say "Thanksgiving", does it?

So, I'll accept my task and broil a turkey, fry up some corn, roast a green bean caserole, and bake up some mashed potatoes. It'll be good.


Chevy Rose said...

Don't panic! Call Luby's and order the entire dinner, even pumpkin pie then pick it up Wednesday night and transfer it all into your pots and pans. Be making a big tossed salad when company arrives and you are a Wonder Woman!
And the dressing is darn good too.

sher said...

We should all go to Cracker Barrell and be done with it! The Christmas decorating is too hard to do on a full stomach with a sink full of dishes ;)

Kelly Hanson said...

Everything ended up going okay. I just stuffed my turkey with tons of apples and lots of butter under the skin. It turned out yummy. Mrs. Smith pies from the frozen food section of the grocery store helped out a tremendous amount as the the deli/bakery. All in all, I didn't do much. One thing I did try new this year was baking/grilling wedges of Australian Blue Pumpkin. It was much better than I expected. But, next year.....I think I'll either go to a relative's house or the the holiday buffet at the nearest hotel.