Friday, March 11, 2005

Over the next few months....

Although it's not official, it looks as if we will be moving to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas this summer.

Yes, another year or two or three in Germany would have been very nice. Yes, a tour in Italy would have been super. But, Ft. Leavenworth is okay by me. There are plenty of places the Army could send us that are much, much worse. As a matter of fact, there is a job available in Kuwait and another in Qatar. Frankly, I'd rather live in the middle of Nowheresville.

The Ft. Leavenworth news is good. We were there previously and were pleasantly surprised. It was much better than we had expected. There are green rolling hills and lots of trees. The big bonus about going there is my husband, the most wonderful man in the world, was lucky enough to get Kansas City Chiefs season tickets. He is a HUGE Chiefs fan and a day at Arrowhead Stadium is a day at Valhalla. If only the Chiefs could have a winning season and go to and WIN the Superbowl, my wonderful husband would be the happiest man on the planet.

We have a few more months left here in Germany. Before we return to the States, we still have a few trips planned here. I simply have to get back to Poland. My extended family has put in a request for more Polish Pottery. That stuff is so expensive in the states. It is unreal. One little plate that cost $53 in a catalog, costs me about $8 in Poland. Granted, I have to drive about 5 hours to get there, but it's all worth it in the end.

I'd like to get my husband to Greece since the Africa trip has been sidelined. I recently discovered Kenya was been placed on the "Hot" list and is not recommended for Americans to travel there. It would be just my luck to go, get abducted and imprisoned. I can see it now. A video message of me pleading for the U.S. to come save me from my captors. I'd have my wrists zip-tied together and I'd say, "All I wanted was to see some wildebeest!" So, I think Greece will be a better option. It'll also be cheaper, but considering all the wonderful jewelry for sale, it just might be more expensive. One can never have too much jewelry.

The next few months will be a whorlwind. My son is about to graduate from high school and part of the extended family will be coming to attend the ceremony. Last minute traveling, last minute once-in-a-lifetime purchases to be made, coordinating two children and three dogs to visit my family in Colorado and my husband's family in California, getting my son settled in the college dorm, taking delivery of my car in Missouri (it's being shipped from Germany), finding a place to live in Ft. Leavenworth, unpacking and settling in, registering my daughter for school, filling out applications for employment. Phew! There is just soooooooo MUCH TO DO.

And....Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I did not receive a slim butt for my birthday. I did however, receive an ICE CREAM CAKE! All I want for Christmas is a slim trim butt, a slim trim butt, a slim trim butt.

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