Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Final Grades

As expected...I received an A in Animal Science. Yippie for me! Now that school's out for the summer, I'll have to keep busy with the horse, the bees and my pups. I'm still at Chico's, but uncertain as to how much longer.

Next semester...Vet Science and Intro to Horseback Riding.


BB said...

Hello. I enjoyed reading your blogs. Just yesterday I started my own. I've never done this before and am pretty confused by how to set up all these links. Most of the next blogs are about families raising kids and I'm way past that stage. Yours is similar to mine as it's about our journeys. Please read mine and feel free to critique or suggest anything to me. It's nice to meet you. Hope to hear from you.

prahlad said...
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