Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Creepy Crud

Last Wednesday, I began to notice a slight tightness in my chest. By Thursday evening, I knew I was sick. By Friday morning, I wanted nothing more than to go to bed and stay there, but I ended up at work. It didn't last long because I rapidly went down hill and ended up at the doctor's office.

After a chest x-ray, I was sent home with instructions to take Mucinex D and call Monday morning. By Friday evening, I knew there was no way I'd be going to work Saturday.

Saturday and Sunday came and went while I practically bathed in Vicks vapor rub, sniffing nasal spray, and coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed.

Monday morning, I called the doctor and was informed that my x-ray was negative. No pneumonia for me. The diagnosis did nothing to improve my suffocating situation. I just wanted to breathe. The doctor called in a prescription for an inhaler and told me to call back in a week if there was no improvement.

Monday was another phone call to the boss informing her that I was still miserable and in bed. Daytime television leaves much to be desired. Imagine those 100+ channels with nothing on all day for days on end. Thank goodness I have movies on demand. At least there was something to keep me from sinking like the sands of the hour glass like thoses days of our lives. Then again, Air Bud wasn't mentally stimulating.

Tuesday came and went. Luckily my class had been cancelled and I wasn't scheduled to work. More Mucinex D, vapor rub, puffs on the inhaler and sleep. I felt as though I was on the mend. My boss called during the evening hours and suggested that I take Wednesday off and recharge. With no class or work scheduled for Thursday, I would have an extra day to recover. Although I would have liked to earn some dinero, I opted to stay home. After yet another coughing fit, I, with sound mind and conviction of my wishes, informed my husband that if I were to ever be diagnosed with emphysema, then he would need to put me out of my misery.

I woke up this morning feeling better, but no where near 100%. I opened the blinds to let the sun shine in and noticed the layer of dust that has gathered during my period of inactivity. So, I decided that I would clean up a bit. Big mistake. After about 15 minutes of not-so-frenzied cleaning, I was coughing and completely wiped out. I sat down to take a short break, but woke up about an hour later. I guess it's a good thing I have an extra day to get over my ailment.

I have no idea what I have. I know it's not pneumonia but other than that I can only suspect. Maybe some mutant form of Swine Flu. Unfortunately, no body aches or fever came with the incredible chest congestion. No sore throat, no chills, no achy head. Just a stuffy nose and the inability to catch my breath for all the crud stagnating in my lungs.

I'm thankful that I'm finally on the mend. I'm going to take it easy and watch more television. I have done lots of reading, but The Jungle is not the happiest book.

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