Saturday, February 09, 2008

Off crutches

At 5 weeks post-op, I was finally allowed to walk without crutches. PHEW! Thank goodness. Those things are a giant pain in the patooty.

I had my 5 week check-up with the doctor and he explained that week 6 is when the graft is at its weakest. He then told me I'd be in the brace for an additional 3 weeks, weather permitting. If we keep getting snow/rain/ice and conditions remain slippery, then I'm to stay in the brace longer. I can understand that. It doesn't mean I'm happy with the information, but, nonetheless, I'll tolerate it.

So, I have 2 more weeks in the brace and just three days ago, we got about 7 inches of snow. crap. That snow accumulation canceled school and physical therapy for the day. crap.

Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy winter and love winter conditions. What I don't like is being put behind in my recovery and education. Come on, already.

Anyway, two weeks ago in my Health Assessment class, we had to use our stethoscopes and listen to lung sounds. Because I didn't have my stethoscope, I volunteered to be my group's patient. However, when I got home, I volunteered my husband to be my patient. Unfortunately, he wasn't very. Soooooo, I looked around the house and called for my dog.

"Here, Sydney. Come to momma."

She did. Sucker.

Her lungs sounded pretty good and her heart sounded strong.

I quick pulled out my cell phone and sent a text message to my classmate, Christina.
I wrote that my dog had good resonance and good lung sounds.

She wrote back that her dog did too. How funny is that?

So, when I went out to visit my horse, I was so very tempted to take my stethoscope. The only reason why I opted not to was because I knew she would be covered with mud and I didn't want to get my stethoscope dirty.

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