Thursday, January 25, 2007


A while back, I substituted a half-day in a second grade class in one of my less-than-favorite schools. The day was one were I can home proclaiming that I am not paid enough to deal with the crap.

When I got called for a three day placement I was pleased. That's good money. My delight was squashed when I discovered which classroom I was assigned. Yep. The same nightmare.

The first day was exhaustive. After school, I went home and fell asleep around 7:30pm and didn't wake until 6:45 the next morning.

The second day, THANK GOODNESS, was only a half day. I still was wiped out. Fifteen second-graders full of energy and little discipline. Yikes.

Today is the third day. It's not even 11:30 am and I am so ready to leave. They are driving me nuts. They are more interested in playing and coloring each other with markers than doing any work or even paying attention. But that's not the worst part.

One particularly active child, with special needs (he needs one on one attention and probably could use a straight-jacket), came in from the nurse's office with a pink slip. Seems he was being sent home because he has LICE! AAAArrrrrggggghhhhh!

LICE!! Oh my goodness! That is just downright yucky! In my world, LICE is the embodiment of filth, unclean, tainted, low-class, homeless, trailer trash, backwoods, inbred, vile creatures. LICE is in a word...DISGUSTING!! LICE!! LICE!! There is NO way that the Department of Education pays me enough to deal with LICE! NO WAY, NO HOW. LICE! AAAAAaaaaaacccccKKKKKK!

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