Friday, December 08, 2006

Some Thoughts

The other day I attended a Christmas party where gifts were exchanged. One woman there was very excited to receive a case with several different colors of lip gloss. Seems she needed to replace the lip gloss that the airline security personnel made her throw away.

This woman in no way even begins to resemble a hostile person, terrorist or not. She is an older woman, definitely a member of AARP, who suffers arthritic hands. She had planned a short trip and packed her necessities in a carry-on. Before she was allowed to pass through security, to she was forced to toss her hand cream, body lotion and lip gloss. As she is a woman of means, her hand cream was Lancome. Not cheap.

This woman is a very kind person and certainly not prone to saying mean things, wishing ill will and swearing. The requirement to discard high quality creams because of security restrictions really annoyed her.

I understand. I would be unhappy if the first thing I had to do when I reached my destination was to purchase creams. It seems to be a shame to have to opt to check a carry-on simply so I wouldn't have to throw away all of my "security risk" items. Nail clippers and fingernail files, cuticle scissors, hand cream, toothpaste, shampoo. The list goes on and on. The nail clippers and fingernail files are too dangerous. To me, this is simply ridiculous. I suspect I could do more damage with a pen or pencil than I could with nail clippers. A laptop computer is allowed in the cabin, as are hardback books. Both of those items are hard objects that could inflict blunt force trauma. And...the cord from headphones....well...I'm certain some strangulation could be accomplished.

While she was telling me the adventures of disposable creams, lotions and lip gloss, she became more and more agitated.

"I know I shouldn't say it," she said. "But, I hate Arabs! I had to throw away my nice hand cream because of them."

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