Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Need a Massage

My agenda is jam packed! Between dinner theater, Red Barn Farm, Oakmont Farm, video productions and substituting (yes, already) I have little time for anything else.
Well, yesterday I did, but I didn't do anything.

I woke up. Ate. Watched TV. Ate. Napped. Watched more TV. Accomplished ZERO.

The night before, I had a dinner theater performance in a town about an hour away from where I live. Well, my wonderful husband did not attend that performance. That meant, I had to drive. Not too big of a deal except that I don't see well at night. The entire drive home I was a tense bundle of nerves. The next morning...MAJOR BACK PAIN. Yep. My back was in a giant knot. It took all day sitting with a heating pad and a rub down with Tiger Balm before I could turn my head without wanting to cry.

All is better today. But...I have a show tonight in a town about an hour away. Thankfully, my amazing husband is taking the afternoon off to drive me to the restaurant. He is so wonderful. He's doing it out of the kindness of his heart. He won't even get dinner out of the deal. This particular venue does not provide any complimentary meals to the actors. It's a bummer. As the meal/show ticket costs $35 and he has already seen the show, he is opting for no meal. I suspect he'll drop me off, drive around town and see what else he can see then return to pick me up. It's all good.

I'm so thankful he's doing this for me.

I have to substitute tomorrow. I can't imagine how miserable I would be trying to tame 6th and 7th and 8th grade children with a muscle cramp in my back.


Anonymous said...

You need to drop a couple of your paying jobs so you have more time to blog- Ok, maybe I am just being selfish but I have missed you! Samantha

Kelly Hanson said...

miss you too.