Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Is it possible to have too much to do?

Yesterday. Although it is over, the effects will linger for another two months.
Yesterday at approximately 1245 and just by happenstance, I discovered that I am expected to attend a meeting tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Nothing like finding out things last minute. I also was informed that I am obligated to plan a going away gathering for our commander's wife. That date has already been selected, but not passed on to me. The obligation of me being the person to plan that gathering was also not passed on to me. How am I supposed to plan for events when I am not advised that I am required to plan for events nor informed of the dates of which I am planning?

Here's what's on my agenda for tomorrow. Substitute teach for 3rd grade from 7:30 to 3:00. Provide after school child care with School Age Services from 1:00 to 5:00. Attend a ladies coffee from 11:00 to 1:00. Attend an organizational meeting at 5:00 to approximately 7:00pm. Hmmmm. Looks to me like there are a few overlaps. I just don't think I'll be able to accomplish everything.

Now, this meeting tomorrow that I am required (by military protocol) to attend is for a gathering of all the commanders' wives. That shindig is scheduled for a day in June.

During all of this, I am also expected to attend other military gatherings and events, which are inconveniently planned during the middle of the work day. Although I am capable of multi-tasking, I fall short at being in two to three places at the SAME time.

On top of everything else, I have to arrange for extended family to visit for my son's high school graduation, buy a house in Kansas, pack my household and ship everything back to the United States, arrange for shipping my beautiful bright red MINI, figure out how I'm going to get my three delightful dogs back to the states without violating any temperature restrictions (80+ degrees = NO FLY), work and still do all the daily activities that I normally do.

Phew! It's exhausting just to think about.


Chevy Rose said...

Woooo girl, you tired me out just 'reading' about your schedule. But you know what?...I bet you get it taken care of and someday look back and ask self, "When I learned to say 'no thanks', didn't my life get easier?"

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain but when it is all said and done you will look back and say "I am a damn good military wife and mother"! Your family does appreciate all that you do even if they don't show it. Good Luck! Samantha