We then decided to catch a movie. Well, Branson is the place for live entertainment. Movie theaters are few and far between. As a matter of fact, we only found one and it only had three movies playing. None, of which, interested us.
However, during our quest, we found yet another outlet mall with additional stores. A giant Tuesday Morning was there. All Christmas items were 50% off. Naturally, I had to purchase next year's Christmas cards. After Christmas is the only time to shop for Christmas paper products. Besides, with the economy what it is and with ample coupons available, I've decided that I just don't want to pay full price for anything anymore. After spending a mere $32 in Tuesday Morning (WOW! I got a bunch of stuff for $32!), we meandered around the outlet mall. When...to what should my wander eyes should appear.....but Mossy Oak Mudslinger!!!
OF COURSE, I had to partake in that bit o' excitement!! AND...I had to get photographic evidence of my adventure! My husband, in complete chagrin, was forced to take my picture. Unfortunately, he lacked the two quarters to make the encounter a 100% success.
Lucky for me, a visiting family o' hillbillies was passing by. The patriarch of the bunch did have the change and ran over to Mossy Oak Mudslinger and inserted 50 cents o' fun for me. Squeal with delight and butter my biscuits!
Yee HAW!
What fun! Now, don't you wish you could try. Mind the warning though....Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended. Good thing my husband was there.