Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Your mission, should you choose to accept it.....

Having accepted the mission, I set out on my quest.

Store closed. Sorry! Come again!

Later...store open. Sign in window proclaims "All fish 10% off!" Excellent. That is until I noticed the fine print, "except feeder fish."

"I need some feeder fish."
"How many would you like?"
"Hmmm, I think 5 would be plenty."
"We only sell by the dozen."
"Well then, I'll take 12."

Two hours later....all the fish are dead.

I anticipated them being eaten by the local wildlife, but they didn't last that long. The first clue was seeing them suck air at the surface of the water. The next clue was me being able to scoop them up by hand with no resistance.

In order to make sure I collected all the bodies, I counted the dead. One by one. Guess what. Even the bonus fish, #13, died. Unlucky for him.

Two days and two aquarium prep anti-chlorine tablets, I set off to accomplish my mission.

In go the next batch of feeder fish. Good thing they are only 15 cents each. No way am I spending $5.oo on a fish that will ultimately be eaten or flushed.

An hour later.....I still have living fish.

Another hour later.....still swimming.

The next day.....still swimming.

The next morning.....hmmmm for some reason, there are lots more rocks in my pond than there were the night before. Also, no fish. I picked out the rocks that had been resting on the edge of the pond and discover fish. They are still alive!! Rejoice!

My pond has goldfish. Mission accomplished.


Anonymous said...

I laughed until I cried reading your Blog. Only because I can absolutely "HEAR" your voice telling this story. Oh, how I MISS your voice!! Can't wait to see the fish. (will they live that long?) haha! Samantha

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Looks great. Did you design it or get the idea from a magazine?
Ok, dying to know, what did you mean by "we are still not speaking at this point" that made me laugh.
Take care

Anonymous said...

So, where are the glass fish net balls we sent? Will they fit in the pond? Baghdad Dad

Anonymous said...

Looks great!! Looks like Kirby's DCU went the way of Lee's - yard work cutoffs! Miss you lots, Christy

Kelly Hanson said...

Baghdad Dad--Noooo. The glass fish net balls will not fit. Even if they could, they would not be going into my pond. Kirby suggested Captain D's.