Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Phew.....How Time Flies

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted anything since October. Wowwie, wow, wow.

So, I finished last semester with two A's. Naturally. I learned a tremendous amount from my horses class. The landscaping class was fun. It gave me a new appreciation to the amount of work that goes into planting trees and flowers. I had always planted pretty things in some sort of eye-pleasing fashion. There is, however, a method to the madness.

This semester, I had started off with three classes. Unfortunately, a limitation on my allowable credit hours forced me to drop the online class. Turns out that was a good thing. The folks that I know who are in the class are struggling and not having any fun.

The second class, I dropped because I obviously skipped a vaulable pre-requisite. I didn't understand the language of livestock production. I have to get the basics down before I can comprehend the nutritional and medicinal requirements of cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and poultry.

This leaves Animal Science 101. I'm digging it. Right now, I am attempting to visually distinguish several beef cattle breeds from one another. This is not as easy as one might imagine. Yes, I can spot a Brahman bull, but Limousine cows and Shorthorn cows and Gelbrieh cows really all look the same to me. So, I made flashcards. I think I'll have to find a cow person to help clearly identify the slight variations in the physical characteristics.

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