Wednesday, May 06, 2009

My First Rappel

As part of the Military Science course at MSU, the students/cadets participate in rappeling off a 50-foot tower. As I have know the faculty, I was allowed the opportunity to participate with the cadets.

Having jumped out to the 32-foot tower in Ft. Bragg, I felt confident that I would psychologically be able to look down from the top of the tower. My hesitation stemmed from the fear that I would not be able to support my own weight with my brake hand.

Feeling comfortable with my willingness to participate in such an adventure, I strapped on a harness (I opted to fore go the Swiss Seat), helmet and gloves and begin the long, long climb up the narrow steps and ladder.

I stopped halfway.

Once at the top, I put all of my faith and safety into the hands of MSG Travis Votaw. my husband's right hand man. He performed the safety inspection of my gear and told me everything would be okay.

He gave me the basic operating instructions and told me to step over the ledge.

Now, wait just a second......Step over the ledge.....

Yep, apparently there would be a tiny ledge that I would stand upon while I got my body into the correct position.

Sure enough, the ledge was there.

Get ready....get ready....It'll be okay. You won't fall.

After I dropped a few inches and realized that I was perfectly stable and in control of my descent, I relaxed.

WOOOOO HOOOOO. How am I doin'?

Almost there....

Ta-Da!! I made it!

It was super fun, not scary at all. least not after the first few seconds. But after that, I had a great time. I climbed the steps two more times that day.

I, however, did not go off the simulated helicopter skid. That looked just a tad intimidating for my first time out. Maybe next semester.

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