Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So, How Bad Is It?

Today was the follow up appointment for my knee. Unfortunately, I have hurt myself more than I had suspected. During the past week, my knee has gotten to feel much better. Every now and then, I move it in a particular way that reminds me that I hurt myself. The message is loud and clear.

Stairs are not my friend and my knee does get tired quickly.

It's no wonder. The Doctor said I have done some damage to my MCL. Actually, he said I have torn my MCL, probably have done damage to my meniscus and probably have injured my ACL as well. Isn't that just nice.

Now, all I have to do is wait for an MRI for clarification of damage. How about this? If I have torn my MCL, meniscus and ACL , then I'll be having surgery. If I have torn my MCL and injured my meniscus, then maybe surgery, depending on the amount of damage. If I have only torn my MCL, then I'll be in the bionic brace for up to 6 months.


I really don't think I have done worrisome damage to my ACL. There is probably some damage to my meniscus, but I'm hoping there isn't. I have resigned myself to accepting that I have injured my MCL.

I know this because, there was a chart on the wall in the doctor's office that illustrated knee injury with a fellow swimming using the frog kick. So, I tried it. YIKES! It really hurt. No knee rotation for me.

The worst and most sad news about the whole situation is that I can't ride horses for a while. BooHoohoooo.

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